Greenwood reveals why he takes penalties with 'weaker' right foot

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Mason Greenwood has revealed he takes penalties with his 'weaker' right foot after he missed one with his left in an Under-13 Manchester derby.

Greenwood converted a penalty with his right in the friendly shootout win over AC Milan in Cardiff in August and did likewise against Rochdale last month. The memory of squandering an effort from 12 yards as a junior at United convinced him to practise penalties with his right.

"I prefer my left foot, just about, to my right foot," he told the club website. "Actually, it happened when I was in the Under-13s. I missed with my left foot against City when I was struggling in a game and ever since I've just gone with the right foot."

Upon the announcement of his contract, Greenwood said: "Having grown up as a Manchester United fan, playing for the first team is a real dream come true.

"I know that, when I play for this club, I represent the whole academy and I want to repay the faith that my coaches have shown in me with my performances on the pitch.

"I am learning all the time from the manager and his coaching staff and I know that this is the perfect club to help me reach my potential.”

Related: Manchester United Greenwood
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