Teenage son of Man Utd legend Paul Scholes found guilty of assault

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The teenage son of former Manchester United star Paul Scholes has been found guilty of assault after beating up a former school friend.

Arron Scholes was alleged to have "laughed hysterically" as he attacked Robert Kember at an unnamed pub in Oldham in June last year.

The 19-year-old was also accused of taking a photo of his alleged victim's face.

The teenager, a striker for non-league Royton Town, was accompanied to court by his dad football legend dad and mum Claire.

He denied assault by beating claiming he was acting in self defence but he was convicted after a trial.

He will be sentenced after a report is prepared to see if he is suitable for community work.

Mr Kemper, who had been drinking heavily prior to the incident after watching a World Cup match with friends, told the hearing: "We had a couple of beers and a mini bottle of vodka and I noticed Arron was on the other side of the pub and I went round to say 'hello'.

"I got a very little response, thought nothing of it, walked away and went back to my friends.

"I knew Arron from school. Me and my friends were just discussing and talking about the football and then played some pool and I then went out for a cigarette.

"There was a couple of other people who came out but I can't remember who was there. I was having a cigarette facing away from the door when I started receiving punches, I didn't know where it was coming from or who was throwing them.

"I was just aware of walking out in a daze a few minutes later, I was still unsure of what happened. I was very confused about that incident - I just knew I was struck a number of times and I had not hit anybody else.

"I didn't know who did it at the time but I found out shortly afterwards. Both my eyes were swollen and there was congealed blood in my nose and ears. I had blood shot eyes for a few weeks, swollen tender cheeks, swollen lips and bruising for a week or so.

"I saw Arron last at his 18th birthday party. We had been friends at school. We had fallen out but had made up in regards to that. I'm not sure of the events of the night, I just know the injuries I sustained. I was in a daze and unconscious for most of it. I'm not sure whether the injuries or the alcohol affected my memory.”

Related: Manchester United Paul Scholes
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