Every word from Lampard's brutal assessment, Man Utd path & training revelation

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A frustrated Frank Lampard faced the press after Chelsea were defeated 4-1 by Manchester United, with Joao Felix's goal little more than a consolation

You've spoken a lot about what the team can get out of the last games, what is your feeling?

I don't think it's about my personal feeling. I think it's probably about the reality of where we're at. I've said it a lot going into the game, when things are off for a period, it's been the season for us, you can probably trace it back to pre-season, it's not easy to turn it. Then when you go into the run-in against top clubs that are going for something. Nothing is a given in this game.

Mixed feelings. We played okay in parts today. There were some individual performances within the game which will be nice shoots for the future if they're worked on. The reality is when you come to Manchester United is how clinical they are in front of goal, how not clinical we were, how we defended individually poorly in the second half. The result can come.

Bad performances today but you have to ask, are some players good enough?

It's a question I think as a professional at the top level, will be asked of you in a period of bad form. The only way to answer that is to answer with your performance and it starts with how you work and how you train and how you prepare and if I'm honest collectively that's been the thing that was quite glaringly short.

There are a lot of reasons for that, that's not just a dig, that's because there sometimes are variables. It's been a tough season, people talk about the squad size, things that are very valid. At the same time, coming in this short period, you can see, when a group is training and it's really together and pushing and pushing each other, then good things come and you as an individual improve within that. At the moment, that momentum is not there, it's clear.

It doesn't matter when I get asked, 'why did you play a back five?' that gets analysed or play a back four, you've got to defend, responsibility individually much more: that's modern football. You see some shortcomings. It's not a tactical thing and it's not been a tactical thing since I've been here. It's been more about assessing where the group are: can you help individuals within it?

I don't want to throw a blanket because there are some individuals that done quite well tonight and will improve and will get better. There isn't a huge stability in the team and in the squad. Whereas players previous years have come in and had time to find their own way, now they've time to come on and make a difference and it's not easy. There's a lot to it rather than to say it's not good enough. Of course results for Chelsea this season. Not good enough.

A lot of talk about Chelsea's squad being bloated but so is technical department? Are you confident there is the right structure?

I feel like you're making statements rather than asking questions. I'm not going to comment on that. I'm here to comment on the squad. In my short time I have good relations with people at the club. Because it's a short period, we all knew what it was and we all know we wanted to be better. As it goes on those decisions will be for people to make.

In terms of the squad, that's what I really care about. I think there's talent in the squad. It was another reality today. When you look at the emphatic nature of Manchester United at the top end of the pitch compared to us and when you look at some of the experience they have and the nous at the back end of the pitch to make the right decision at the right time. That is the situation and it's going to take time to change that.

Most damage was done before you arrive, can looking at Ten Hag's job give optimism?

I think it's really difficult to compare. It's not for me to analyse where Manchester United were to where they are now. I think they've got fantastic players. Rashford must have scored 30 goals this year or something, Varane's experience at the back, Fernandes who has been here and we know the level of player he is. You can go through their team and find a real stability still within their team. You can bring Casemiro in for his instant experience. There are a lot of factors and not just the manager the club. I don't think it's a comparison.

Of course we should be optimistic, we should look for pluses, we should look for the future being more positive than what it's been this season, that's clear. I don't think it's one to compare because every situation is different and I think we have to go step by step to look at the big picture rather than just a new manager will change this.

I'm not taking anything away from the job that Erik has done, or any top manager because you know that is part of it. At the same time there has to be basics, there has to be fundamentals. I remember when Ten Hag came at the start of the season, people were talking about his discipline and his fines and his laws and Ronaldo and this situation.

Set the standard and the tone of how you go forward. That has nothing to do with the individual, that comes after the event. I think those things are probably where the club had a positive upturn and then sometimes the players and a good structure will do the rest for you.

Related: Chelsea Manchester United Lampard Felix
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