Spanish FA puts out public statement for players confirming commitment to change

  /  autty

The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) have put out a statement reaffirming their commitment to reform in women’s football, following the continued strike by 39 players from the national team.

Last Friday those 39 players put out a statement demanding five changes to the RFEF; the resignation of the President of the RFEF, the restructuring of women’s football, restructing of the general secretariat, restructuring of the marketing and communication department, restructuring of the integrity committee. Only then will they return to the national team. 21 of those players were World Cup-winners just last month.

Ahead of Spain‘s Nations League clashes with Sweden and Switzerland, new Manager Montse Tome is due to announce her first squad without those players. The RFEF have released a statement urging the players to return to national selection and back them in their ability to make the relevant changes. They say they have made a public commitment to do so.

Equally, they also say “it is absolutely essential, to carry out these changes, to clarify each of the behaviours and conduct that may have occurred and to act, therefore, with professionalism and justice, settling the relevant responsibilities in each case.”

The implication appears to be that they want the group of 39 to give evidence and names in the process of restructuring these departments, which in essence would mean resignations and sackings in certain cases.

It remains to be seen how the 39 players will respond, but it appears they are willing to dig their heels in over change. The RFEF are yet to appoint a sporting director for the women’s team despite the announcement of Tome.

Full Statement:

The RFEF wants to convey to the national team’s internationals the public commitment made by the new management of the institution that directs football in Spain.

The objective is to express clearly, and without internal or external interpretations, the strategic axes in this new stage of the Federation that both football and society demand.

The Federation itself is aware of the need to make structural changes, as the president of the Management Commission, Pedro Rocha, has already announced and has recently begun to implement.

This conviction has led to difficult decisions being made in recent days that will continue to be taken, given the conviction that a renewal is necessary.

In this sense, it is absolutely essential, to carry out these changes, to clarify each of the behaviours and conduct that may have occurred and to act, therefore, with professionalism and justice, settling the relevant responsibilities in each case.

It is evident that the Federation, society and the players themselves are aligned on the same objective: renewal and the beginning of a new stage where football is the great beneficiary of this entire process.

For this reason, players are urged to join this change led by the Federation, understanding that the transformations that must continue must be solid and fair.

We guarantee a safe environment for the players and we are committed to a climate of mutual trust so that we can work together and ensure that women’s football continues to progress with much more strength.

We must begin to show off the star that the internationals have achieved with so much effort.

Related: Spain
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