Napoli president De Laurentiis opens door to Spalletti departure

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Napoli president Aurelio de Laurentiis has opened the door to coach Luciano Spalletti's departure this summer.

ADL says he won't hold his Scudetto winning coach against his will next season.

After their medals presentation, the president declared: "He's a champion and the champions have to find a field to express themselves at their best, he found it with us and everything worked out.

"We hope that in future will be able to express even more his ability to build. Better with Napoli? Without a doubt, but in life freedom is an immeasurable and invaluable good, you must not clip anyone's wings, as no one must do it with me.

"We have to stay connected. I am linked to Ancelotti, Mazzarri, Reja, Benitez. The important thing is to be grateful to those who gave something to you and those who received. Whoever gave gave gave, whoever had had had, let's scurdammoce o' passat simm and Napul paisà."

Related: Napoli Luciano Spalletti
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