Pau López’s Marseille exit nears collapse

  /  autty

Everything appeared to be in order for Pau López (29) to leave Olympique de Marseille and join Serie A side Como 1907. The Italian club had forged an agreement with both Marseille and López, but there was just one stumbling block in the way.

Marseille would not finalise López’s departure until they had found his replacement. Their search has been far from simple as they were rejected by Álvaro Valles (27) and appear to have missed out on Chelsea target Filip Jörgensen (22).

The French side are now considering a move for Feyenoord’s Timon Wellenreuther (28) but this delay has caused Como to look at other targets. According to Gianluca DiMarzio, Como are close to agreeing on a deal for Sampdoria’s Emil Audero (27). This likely means that López will not be leaving Marseille for Como as the Italian club have already brought in Pepe Reina (41) as backup.

Despite López being one of the best performers for the club during his time in the south of France, he will likely remain on the transfer list as Les Phocéens veer in a new direction.

GFFN | Nick Hartland

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