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NEW Bradford signing Sarcevic got his first taste at the club in the canteen

  /  autty

NEW Bradford signing Antoni Sarcevic got his first taste of life at the club in the canteen.

Unfortunately it was not the food he was sampling.

Sarcevic, 32, arrived on a free transfer after leaving Stockport this summer and was given his fitness induction in an odd setting.

Instead of a gym, he was put through his paces in a food hall filled with exercise gear.

And fans piled into the comments on social media.

One posted: "Gym work in the canteen? It’s a bantams thing."

Another added: "Are my eyes playing tricks with me or are we doing gym work in a kitchen? How tinpot."

A third joked: "Did the year 8s have the gym booked out?"

Sarcevic began his career in hometown club Manchester City's academy but joined Woodley Sports in 2008.

He has been promoted at Chester, Fleetwood, Bolton and Stockport.

His performances for Plymouth, who he joined in 2017, even earned him the nickname Manchester Messi.

Former Bradford boss Mark Hughes has revealed he wants back into management as Wales sacked Rob Page.

He told SunSport: "I’d like to get back in because I have the enthusiasm for a new challenge.”

On his Bantams dismissal last year, the 60-year-old added: “It was ludicrous to get rid of me if I’m honest.

“I got sacked after back-to-back defeats but we weren’t on a horrendous run, I would suggest.

“The previous time I’d lost back-to-back was about six months before and I was convinced I could still have taken them up because of the players we had.”